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Automatic classification of non-small cell lung cancer histologic sub-types by deep learning.
(2018). Design of a dual species atom interferometer for space.
Experimental Astronomy. 39, 167-206. Schuldt et al._2015_Design of a dual species atom interferometer for space.pdf (2.98 MB)
(2015). Design of a dual species atom interferometer for space.
Experimental Astronomy. 39, 167-206. Schuldt et al._2015_Design of a dual species atom interferometer for space.pdf (2.98 MB)
(2015). Design of a dual species atom interferometer for space.
Experimental Astronomy. 39, 167-206. Schuldt et al._2015_Design of a dual species atom interferometer for space.pdf (2.98 MB)
(2015). On-line CAD Reconstruction with Accumulated Means of Local Geometric Properties.
(Boissonnat, J-D., Cohen A., Gibaru O., Gout C., Lyche T., Mazure M-L., et al., Ed.).Curves and Surfaces, 8th International Conference, Paris 2014. 181-201. OnlineCADReconst.pdf (3.18 MB)
(2015). Support Vector Machines for Classification of Geometric Primitives in Point Clouds.
(Boissonnat, J-D., Cohen A., Gibaru O., Gout C., Lyche T., Mazure M-L., et al., Ed.).Curves and Surfaces, 8th International Conference, Paris 2014. 80-95. Caputo et al_2015_Support vector machines for classification of geometric primitives in point clouds.pdf (2.64 MB)
(2015). Support Vector Machines for Classification of Geometric Primitives in Point Clouds.
(Boissonnat, J-D., Cohen A., Gibaru O., Gout C., Lyche T., Mazure M-L., et al., Ed.).Curves and Surfaces, 8th International Conference, Paris 2014. 80-95. Caputo et al_2015_Support vector machines for classification of geometric primitives in point clouds.pdf (2.64 MB)
(2015). JOINT\_FORCES: Unite Competing Sentiment Classifiers with Random Forest..
SemEval@ COLING. 366–369.
(2014). Learning geometric primitives in point clouds.
Symposium on Geometry Processing, Cardiff 2014. Caputo et al_2014_Learning geometric primitives in point clouds.pdf (630.12 KB)
(2014). Meta-Classifiers Easily Improve Commercial Sentiment Detection Tools..
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). 3100–3104.
(2014). STE-QUEST — Test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry.
Classical and Quantum Gravity. 31, 115010. Aguilera, Ahlers_2014_STE-QUEST—test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry.pdf (778.56 KB)
(2014). STE-QUEST — Test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry.
Classical and Quantum Gravity. 31, 115010. Aguilera, Ahlers_2014_STE-QUEST—test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry.pdf (778.56 KB)
(2014). STE-QUEST — Test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry.
Classical and Quantum Gravity. 31, 115010. Aguilera, Ahlers_2014_STE-QUEST—test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry.pdf (778.56 KB)
(2014). Applied Data Science in Europe: Challenges for Academia in Keeping Up with a Highly Demanded Topic.
European Computer Science Summit. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
(2013). Potential and Limitations of Commercial Sentiment Detection Tools..
ESSEM@ AI* IA. 47–58.
(2013). 3d hand gesture recognition based on sensor fusion of commodity hardware.
(Reiterer, H., & Deussen O., Ed.).Mensch und Computer. GestureRecognition.pdf (378.26 KB)
(2012). Geometric properties of the adaptice Delaunay tessellation.
(Dæhlen, M., Floater M.S., Lyche T., Merrien J.-L., Morken K., & Schumaker L.L., Ed.).Mathematical Methods of Curves and Surfaces, Tondsberg 2008. ADTProperties.pdf (335.14 KB)
(2010). The adaptive Delaunay tesselation: A neighborhood covering meshing technique.
Computational Mechanics. 42, 655-669. AdaptDelTess.pdf (1.33 MB)
(2008). Learning the influence of spatio-temporal variations in local image structure on visual saliency.
(Bülthoff, H. H., Chatziastros A., Mallot H. A., & Ulrich R., Ed.).{Proc. 10. Tübinger Wahr\-neh\-mungs\-konferenz (TWK 2007)}. 63.
(2007). Controlling a subdivision tuning method.
(Cohen, A., Merrien J.-L., & Schumaker L.L., Ed.).Curve and Surface Fitting. SubTuning.pdf (553.79 KB)
(2006). Learning high-order MRF priors of color images.
{Proc. of the 23rd Intl. Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML 2006)}. 617–624. McAuley et al._2006_Learning high-order MRF priors of color images.pdf (981.67 KB)
(2006). Insect-inspired estimation of egomotion..
Neural Computation. 16, 2245–60.
(2004). Learning depth from stereo.
(Rasmussen, C. E., Bülthoff H. H., Giese M. A., & Schölkopf B., Ed.).{Pattern Recognition, Proc.\ 26th DAGM Symposium}. 3175, 245 – 252.
(2004). Linear combinations of optic flow vectors for estimating self-motion-a real-world test of a neural model.
(Becker, S., Obermayer K., & Thrun S., Ed.).{Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15}. 1343–1350.
(2003). Insect-inspired estimation of self-motion.
(Bülthoff, H. H., Lee S.-W., Poggio T. A., & Wallraven C., Ed.).{Proc. 2nd Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision (BMCV 2002)}. 2525, 171-180. Franz, Chahl_2002_Insect-inspired estimation of self-motion.pdf (274.5 KB)