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[Anonymous] (1998).  Learning view graphs for robot navigation. Autonomous Robots. 5, 111 – 125.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Learning View Graphs for Robot Navigation.pdf (1.26 MB)
[Anonymous] (1998).  Minimalistic visual navigation. Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 8.
[Anonymous] (1998).  Navigation in real and virtual environments: judging orientation and distance in a large-scale landscape. {Virtual Environment 98: Proc. of the Eurographics Workshop 1998}. 124 – 133.
[Anonymous] (1998).  Navigation mit Schnappschüssen.. {Mustererkennung 1998. Proc. of the 20th DAGM-Symposium}. 412-428.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Navigation mit Schnappschüssen.pdf (300.5 KB)
[Anonymous] (1998).  VS-neurons as matched filters for self-motion-induced optic flow fields. {New Neuroethology on the Move}. II, 419.
[Anonymous] (1998).  Where did I take that snapshot? Scene-based homing by image matching. Biol. Cybern.. 79, 191 – 202.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Where did I take that snapshot Scene-based homing by image matching.pdf (488.99 KB)
[Anonymous] (1997).  Homing by parameterized scene matching. {Proc. 4th Europ. Conf. on Artificial Life}. 236 – 245.
[Anonymous] (1997).  Learning view graphs for robot navigation. {Proc.\ 1.İntl.\ Conf.\ on Autonomous Agents}. 138 – 147.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Learning View Graphs for Robot Navigation.pdf (1.26 MB)
[Anonymous] (1997).  The view-graph approach to visual navigation and spatial memory. {Proc. of the 7th Intl. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 97)}. 1327, 751 – 756.PDF icon Mallot et al._1997_The view-graph approach to visual navigation and spatial memory.pdf (212.16 KB)
