machine learning: alumni
Graduate and undergraduate students
Stefan Hörtling
M.Sc. student @IOS since October 2020
Master Thesis: Modeling of flexible Posterior Distributions for Bayesian Neural Networks, 2021.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Dürr
Simon Christofzik
Bachelor thesis: Modellierung von digitalem Druck mit Hilfe von neuronalen Netzen, 2019
Advisors: Matthias Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Matthias O. Franz
Maksim Sandybekov
M.Sc. student @IOS since March 2021
Master Thesis: Accelerating BNNs in the context of Active learning, 2021.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Dürr, Daniel Dold
Ivonne Kovylov
M.Sc. student @IOS since April 2021
Master Thesis: Vorhersage des Melanomtyps unter Verwendung interpretierbarer Deep-Learning-Modelle und der Modellierung von Unsicherheiten.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Dürr, Prof. Dr. Beate Sick