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Conference Paper
Schall, M., Schambach M-P., & Franz M. O. (2016).  Increasing robustness of handwriting recognition using character n-gram decoding on large lexica. 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. PDF icon Schall et al_2016_Increasing robustness of handwriting recognition using character n-gram decoding on large lexica.pdf (440.82 KB)
[Anonymous] (2010).  The influence of the image basis on modeling and steganalysis performance. {Proc. 12th Intl. Conf. on Information Hiding (IH-2010)}. 133–144.PDF icon Schwamberger et al._2010_The Influence of the Image Basis on Modeling and Steganalysis Performance.pdf (392.83 KB)
[Anonymous] (2002).  Insect-inspired estimation of self-motion. {Proc. 2nd Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision (BMCV 2002)}. 2525, 171-180.PDF icon Franz, Chahl_2002_Insect-inspired estimation of self-motion.pdf (274.5 KB)
[Anonymous] (2004).  Kernel Hebbian algorithm for single-frame super-resolution. {Statistical Learning in Computer Vision (SLCV 2004), ECCV 2004 Workshop, Prague}. 135–149.PDF icon Kim, Franz, Schölkopf_2004_Kernel Hebbian algorithm for single-frame super-resolution.pdf (2.22 MB)
[Anonymous] (2005).  Learning an interest operator from eye movements. {Proc. Workshop on Bioinspired Information Processing 2005}. PDF icon Kienzle et al._2006_Learning an Interest Operator from Human Eye Movements.pdf (1.41 MB)
[Anonymous] (2006).  Learning an interest operator from human eye movements. {Beyond Patches Workshop, Intl. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}. 1–8.PDF icon Kienzle et al._2006_Learning an Interest Operator from Human Eye Movements.pdf (1.41 MB)
[Anonymous] (2004).  Learning depth. {Proc. 7. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 2004)}. 68.PDF icon Sinz et al Learning depth 2004.pdf (197 KB)
[Anonymous] (2004).  Learning depth from stereo. {Pattern Recognition, Proc.\ 26th DAGM Symposium}. 3175, 245 – 252.
[Anonymous] (2006).  Learning eye movements. {Proc. Sensory Coding and the Natural Environment 2006}.
[Anonymous] (2014).  Learning geometric primitives in point clouds. Symposium on Geometry Processing, Cardiff 2014. PDF icon Caputo et al_2014_Learning geometric primitives in point clouds.pdf (630.12 KB)
[Anonymous] (2006).  Learning high-order MRF priors of color images. {Proc. of the 23rd Intl. Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML 2006)}. 617–624.PDF icon McAuley et al._2006_Learning high-order MRF priors of color images.pdf (981.67 KB)
[Anonymous] (2007).  Learning the influence of spatio-temporal variations in local image structure on visual saliency. {Proc. 10. Tübinger Wahr\-neh\-mungs\-konferenz (TWK 2007)}. 63.
[Anonymous] (1997).  Learning view graphs for robot navigation. {Proc.\ 1.İntl.\ Conf.\ on Autonomous Agents}. 138 – 147.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Learning View Graphs for Robot Navigation.pdf (1.26 MB)
[Anonymous] (2003).  Linear combinations of optic flow vectors for estimating self-motion-a real-world test of a neural model. {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15}. 1343–1350.
Schall, M., Buehrig H. P., Schambach M-P., & Franz M. O. (2018).  LSTM Networks for Edit Distance Calculation with Exchangeable Dictionaries. 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. PDF icon 2018-04 LSTM Networks for Edit Distance Calculation with Exchangeable Dictionaries.pdf (145.78 KB)
Thießen, L., Laube P., Franz M. O., & Umlauf G. (2014).  Merging multiple 3d face reconstructions. (Benyoucef, D., & Reich C., Ed.).Symposium on Information and Communication Systems. 7-12.PDF icon Merging3DFaceReconst.pdf (12.91 MB)
Schall, M., Schambach M-P., & Franz M. O. (2018).  Multi-Dimensional Connectionist Classification: Reading Text in One Step. 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. PDF icon 2018-04 Multi-Dimensional Connectionist Classification Reading Text in One Step.pdf (485.57 KB)
[Anonymous] (2004).  Multivariate Regression via Stiefel Manifold Constraints. {Pattern Recognition, Proc. of the 26th DAGM Symposium (DAGM 2004)}. 262-269.
[Anonymous] (1998).  Navigation in real and virtual environments: judging orientation and distance in a large-scale landscape. {Virtual Environment 98: Proc. of the Eurographics Workshop 1998}. 124 – 133.
[Anonymous] (1998).  Navigation mit Schnappschüssen.. {Mustererkennung 1998. Proc. of the 20th DAGM-Symposium}. 412-428.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Navigation mit Schnappschüssen.pdf (300.5 KB)
[Anonymous] (2007).  Nonlinear receptive field analysis: making kernel methods interpretable. {Proc. of the Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting 2007 (COSYNE 2007)}.
[Anonymous] (2007).  A nonparametric approach to bottom-up visual saliency. {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19}. 19, 689–696.PDF icon Kienzle et al._2007_A nonparametric approach to bottom-up visual saliency.pdf (879.52 KB)
[Anonymous] (2002).  Optimal linear estimation of self-motion - a real-world test of a model of fly tangential neurons. {SAB02 Workshop on Robotics as Theoretical Biology}.
Schall, M., Grunwald M., Umlauf G., & Franz M. O. (2015).  Radiometric calibration of digital cameras using Gaussian processes. SPIE Optics+ Optoelectronics. PDF icon Schall et al_2015_Radiometric calibration of digital cameras using Gaussian processes.PDF (953.2 KB)
Grunwald, M., Laube P., Schall M., Umlauf G., & Franz M. O. (2017).  Radiometric calibration of digital cameras using neural networks. Optics and Photonics for Information Processing XI.
