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Automatic classification of non-small cell lung cancer histologic sub-types by deep learning.
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(2006). Design of a dual species atom interferometer for space.
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(2015). Dynamic percolation theory for particle diffusion in a polymer network.
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(2002). Existence of an attractor for a geometric tetrahedron transformation.
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(2016). Fast and Reliable Acquisition of Truth Data for Document Analysis using Cyclic Suggest Algorithms.
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(2019). Fractal Curves from Prime Trigonometric Series.
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(2018). A geometric mesh smoothing algorithm related to damped oscillations.
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(2017). GETOpt mesh smoothing: Putting GETMe in the framework of global optimization-based schemes.
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(2018). Implicit Wiener series analysis of epileptic seizure recordings..
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(2009). Learning embeddings for speaker clustering based on voice equality.
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(2017). Navigation in real and virtual environments: judging orientation and distance in a large-scale landscape.
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(1998). Probabilistic Short-Term Low-Voltage Load Forecasting using Bernstein-Polynomial Normalizing Flows.
ICML 2021, Workshop Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, June 26, 2021, virtual. Arpogaus2021_Probabilistic_Forecasting.pdf (427.35 KB)
(2021). Probabilistic short-term low-voltage load forecasting using bernstein-polynomial normalizing flows.
ICML 2021, Workshop Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, June 26, 2021, virtual.
(2021). Short-term density forecasting of low-voltage load using Bernstein-polynomial normalizing flows.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
(2023). Speaker Identification and Clustering using Convolution Neural Networks.
IEEE International workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing.
(2016). STE-QUEST — Test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry.
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(2014). Von der Symmetriegruppe des Dreiecks zur Glättung von industriellen Netzen.
Die Basis der Vielfalt - 10. Tagung der DGfGG.