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[Anonymous] (2004).  Implicit estimation of Wiener series. {Machine Learning for Signal Processing XIV, Proc. 2004 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop}. 735–744.PDF icon Franz, Schölkopf_2004_Implicit estimation of Wiener series.pdf (191.86 KB)
[Anonymous] (2002).  Optimal linear estimation of self-motion - a real-world test of a model of fly tangential neurons. {SAB02 Workshop on Robotics as Theoretical Biology}.
[Anonymous] (2006).  A unifying view of Wiener and Volterra theory and polynomial kernel regression. Neural Computation. 18, 3097 – 3118.PDF icon Franz, Schölkopf_2006_A Unifying View of Wiener and Volterra Theory and Polynomial Kernel Regression.pdf (165.97 KB)
[Anonymous] (2003).  Linear combinations of optic flow vectors for estimating self-motion-a real-world test of a neural model. {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15}. 1343–1350.
[Anonymous] (1998).  VS-neurons as matched filters for self-motion-induced optic flow fields. {New Neuroethology on the Move}. II, 419.
[Anonymous] (1996).  Aktives Erwerben eines Ansichtsgraphen zur diskreten Repräsentation offener Umwelten. Fortschritte der {Künstlichen Intelligenz}. 92.PDF icon Franz et al._1996_Aktives Erwerben eines Ansichtsgraphen zur diskreten Repräsentation offener Umwelten.pdf (63.1 KB)
[Anonymous] (2007).  Implicit Wiener series for estimating nonlinear receptive fields. {Proc. 31st Göttingen Neurobiolgy Conf.}. 1199.
[Anonymous] (1999).  Can fly tangential neurons be used to estimate self-motion?. {Proc. of the 9th Intl. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 1999)}. CP 470, 994-999.PDF icon Franz et al._1999_Can fly tangential neurons be used to estimate self-motion.pdf (170.74 KB)
[Anonymous] (2008).  A robot system for biomimetic navigation - from snapshots to metric embeddings of view graphs. {Robotics and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial Mapping}. 38, 297–314.
[Anonymous] (2002).  Insect-inspired estimation of self-motion. {Proc. 2nd Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision (BMCV 2002)}. 2525, 171-180.PDF icon Franz, Chahl_2002_Insect-inspired estimation of self-motion.pdf (274.5 KB)
[Anonymous] (1997).  Learning view graphs for robot navigation. {Proc.\ 1.İntl.\ Conf.\ on Autonomous Agents}. 138 – 147.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Learning View Graphs for Robot Navigation.pdf (1.26 MB)
[Anonymous] (2003).  Robots with cognition?. {Proc. 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 2003)}.
[Anonymous] (2000).  Biomimetic robot navigation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 30, 133 – 153.PDF icon Franz, Mallot_2000_Biomimetic robot navigation.pdf (171.77 KB)
[Anonymous] (2012).  Systematische Merkmalsbewertung in komplexen Ultraschallsignalen mit Lernmaschinen. Informatik-Spektrum. 35, 348 – 353.PDF icon Franz et al._2011_Systematische Merkmalsbewertung in komplexen Ultraschallsignalen mit Lernmaschinen.pdf (899.32 KB)
[Anonymous] (1995).  Supression and creation of chaos in a periodically forced Lorenz system. Phys. Rev. E. 52, 3558–3565.PDF icon Franz, Zhang_1995_Supression and creation of chaos in a periodically forced Lorenz system.pdf (1.45 MB)
[Anonymous] (1998).  Minimalistic visual navigation. Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 8.
[Anonymous] (1997).  Homing by parameterized scene matching. {Proc. 4th Europ. Conf. on Artificial Life}. 236 – 245.
[Anonymous] (2006).  Implicit Volterra and Wiener series for higher-order image analysis. {Advances in Data Analysis 30th Ann. Conf. German Classification Society}. 60.
[Anonymous] (2004).  Semi-supervised kernel regression using whitened function classes. {Pattern Recognition, Proc.\ 26th DAGM Symposium}. 3175, 18 – 26.PDF icon Franz et al._2004_Semi-supervised kernel regression using whitened function classes.pdf (198.7 KB)
[Anonymous] (1998).  Where did I take that snapshot? Scene-based homing by image matching. Biol. Cybern.. 79, 191 – 202.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Where did I take that snapshot Scene-based homing by image matching.pdf (488.99 KB)
[Anonymous] (2004).  Implicit Wiener series for capturing higher-order interactions in images. {Proc. Sensory Coding and the Natural Environment 2004}.
[Anonymous] (2011).  Volterra and Wiener series. Scholarpedia. 6, 11307.
[Anonymous] (1998).  Navigation mit Schnappschüssen.. {Mustererkennung 1998. Proc. of the 20th DAGM-Symposium}. 412-428.PDF icon Franz et al._1998_Navigation mit Schnappschüssen.pdf (300.5 KB)
[Anonymous] (2004).  Insect-inspired estimation of egomotion.. Neural Computation. 16, 2245–60.
[Anonymous] (2000).  Wide-field, motion-sensitive neurons and matched filters for optic flow fields. Biol. Cybern.. 83, 185 – 197.PDF icon Franz, Krapp_2000_Wide-field, motion-sensitive neurons and matched filters for optic flow fields.pdf (261.7 KB)


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