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[Anonymous] (2012).  Systematische Merkmalsbewertung in komplexen Ultraschallsignalen mit Lernmaschinen. Informatik-Spektrum. 35, 348 – 353.PDF icon Franz et al._2011_Systematische Merkmalsbewertung in komplexen Ultraschallsignalen mit Lernmaschinen.pdf (899.32 KB)
[Anonymous] (1995).  Supression and creation of chaos in a periodically forced Lorenz system. Phys. Rev. E. 52, 3558–3565.PDF icon Franz, Zhang_1995_Supression and creation of chaos in a periodically forced Lorenz system.pdf (1.45 MB)
Caputo, M., Denker K., Franz M. O., Laube P., & Umlauf G. (2015).  Support Vector Machines for Classification of Geometric Primitives in Point Clouds. (Boissonnat, J-D., Cohen A., Gibaru O., Gout C., Lyche T., Mazure M-L., et al., Ed.).Curves and Surfaces, 8th International Conference, Paris 2014. 80-95.PDF icon Caputo et al_2015_Support vector machines for classification of geometric primitives in point clouds.pdf (2.64 MB)
[Anonymous] (2000).  Subliminale Darbietung verkehrsrelevanter Information in Kraftfahrzeugen. {Proc. 3. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 20009)}. 98.
[Anonymous] (2014).  STE-QUEST — Test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 31, 115010.PDF icon Aguilera, Ahlers_2014_STE-QUEST—test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry.pdf (778.56 KB)
[Anonymous] (2013).  Steganalysis in the presence of watermarked images. {Proc. 9th Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP- 2013)}. 513–517.PDF icon Le, Graf, Franz_2013_Steganalysis in the Presence of Watermarked Images.pdf (1.07 MB)
[Anonymous] (2008).  The statistics of plant echoes as perceived by echolocating bats. {Proc. of the Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting 2008 (COSYNE 2008)}.
[Anonymous] (2008).  The statistics of plant echoes as perceived by echolocating bats. {ASA Meeting Paris}.
[Anonymous] (2008).  The statistics of plant echoes as perceived by echolocating bats. {Acoustics 08, Paris, SBN 978-2-9521105-4- 9 - EAN 9782952110549}. 123, DVD Proc..
[Anonymous] (2010).  Single band statistics and steganalysis performance. {Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP-2010)}. 188–191.PDF icon Le, Franz_2010_Single Band Statistics and Steganalysis Performance.pdf (206.46 KB)
[Anonymous] (2010).  Simple algorithmic modifications for improving blind steganalysis performance. {Proc. of the 2010 Workshop on Multimedia and Security (MM&Sec 2010)}. PDF icon Schwamberger, Franz_2010_Simple Algorithmic Modifications for Improving Blind Steganalysis Performance.pdf (813.87 KB)
[Anonymous] (2004).  Semi-supervised kernel regression using whitened function classes. {Pattern Recognition, Proc.\ 26th DAGM Symposium}. 3175, 18 – 26.PDF icon Franz et al._2004_Semi-supervised kernel regression using whitened function classes.pdf (198.7 KB)
[Anonymous] (2003).  Robots with cognition?. {Proc. 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz (TWK 2003)}.
[Anonymous] (1999).  On robots and flies: Modeling the visual orientation behavior of flies. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 29, 227–242.PDF icon Huber, Franz, Bülthoff_1999_On robots and flies Modeling the visual orientation behavior of flies.pdf (473.13 KB)
[Anonymous] (2008).  A robot system for biomimetic navigation - from snapshots to metric embeddings of view graphs. {Robotics and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial Mapping}. 38, 297–314.
